K–12 education
Exceptional educational, behavioral, therapeutic, and vocational programs for individuals with special needs ages 5 to 22.
ACCEL K-12 education
ACCEL Educational Services provides students ages 5 to 22 with appropriate academic, behavioral, therapeutic, and vocational programs to maximize skills and increase independence.
Programming is individualized in a highly structured learning environment with small class sizes. Intensive, collaborative support services are integrated into daily activities serving students with a wide range of abilities and challenges.
A primary focus is functional life skills and vocational curriculum promoting community skills, dignity and independence for all students.
ACCEL is the only Arizona special education school program to achieve accreditation from the National Commission for Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES) and has achieved recognition as a School of Excellence from the National Association of Special Education Teachers.
District partnership

From the time a student enrolls at ACCEL, exit criteria are identified through the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process to support each student’s ability to return to their home school. The ACCEL team is in continuous communication with the district partner with status updates of progress made toward the exit criteria and invites collaboration for unique needs that arise during placement.
What is the length of ACCEL’s school year?
180 instructional days
Does ACCEL provide Medicaid claiming to district partners?
Yes, ACCEL provides documentation to each district to submit for Medicaid reimbursement for each of their students.
What related services are available at ACCEL?
• Occupational therapy
• Speech therapy
• Physical therapy
• Vision services
Does ACCEL provide extended school year (ESY)?
ACCEL is excited to collaborate with your school district on data and evaluation for the student’s specific needs including adaptive seating, ESY, district funding for one on-one support, and readiness to return to the student’s least restrictive environment (LRE). ACCEL also offers a competitive tuition structure for all students.
What are the special education eligibilities served?
Vision Impairment
Multiple Disabilities with Severe Sensory Impairment
Multiple Disabilities
Other Health Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Speech Language Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment
Mild Intellectual Disability
Moderate Intellectual Disability
Severe Intellectual Disability
Developmental Delay
Specific Learning Disability
Emotional Disability

Criteria are identified to support each student’s ability to return to their home school.

Vocational readiness & transition to work

[The program] …lays the solid foundation for a successful transition following high school.

Community Skills and Vocational Programming PDF
ACCEL’s vocational department focuses on the development of independent living skills and preparing our students to be ready for the workplace. Our staff considers the range of opportunities for future employment and provides individualized training that meets the interests and abilities of our students. Individual growth is achieved through learning, practicing, and generalizing skills through such programs as the dog treat making workshop, horticulture program, and creative design workshop, as well as access to our studio apartment and a kitchen, all within the campus and community experiences.
The structured program with curricular focus on social engagement and soft skills such as flexibility, problem-solving, accepting feedback, and building a sense of responsibility and confidence, lay the solid foundation for a successful transition following high school. Students begin their skills training and development for tasks and activities within the school campus to ensure readiness indicators are present to transition to job experiences in the community. Students also practice interviewing, completing job applications, developing a resume, and participating in performance evaluations throughout the various on-the-job training opportunities.
Community partners provide job experiences at businesses such as retailers, libraries, recreational facilities, gyms, and animal welfare organizations.
Behavior & therapy services
ACCEL’s behavior department consists of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA’s), Board Certified assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA’s), and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT’s). The BCBA/ BCaBA on campus will participate as an engaged member of each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team if behavior is an area of need. They can administer a functional behavioral assessment when necessary to create an individualized behavior intervention plan. The behavior department also trains school staff in behavior management and crisis intervention, as well as collaborates with the therapy department and classroom teams.
ACCEL’s therapy department provides therapeutic intervention to each student as prescribed in their IEP and support to each classroom. These services help optimize student performance and their ability to access the educational curriculum. The therapy department’s offerings extend beyond the usual scope of occupational, physical, and speech therapy to include vision services, adapted aquatics, and music therapy. We have a variety of options available for augmentative communication, assistive technology, and adaptive seating. Our multidisciplinary approach offers multiple solutions, and we can be available to collaborate with outside providers for a student upon parental consent.
With a comprehensive partnership with the school district, it is easy to see how the entire educational team’s collaborative practices can be effective to optimize programming and communication for every student.

These services help optimize student performance.

Curriculum, applied behavioral analysis & structured teaching
Individual growth is achieved through differentiated instruction, practicing, and generalizing skills. ACCEL knows that individual student growth and achievement is evidenced in the opportunity for students to practice skills and concepts in various environments. Our classrooms typically have a 2:1 ratio of students to staff, with approximately 10 students per classroom. The small size, low student to teacher ratio, rigorous structure, and comprehensive programming proves to be an effective combination that leads to success, growth, and independence for our students.
Our full-time nursing staff are available and ready to support the routine and spontaneous medical needs of each student. The partnership with parents is critical to our students’ success and is enhanced through daily communication from the classroom teachers regarding progress and changes in growth.

Partnership with parents is critical to our student’s success.

ACCEL’s curriculum map is linked to Arizona’s Academic Standards.
ACCEL utilizes a variety of curricular resources including but not limited to Science Research Association (SRA) Corrective Reading and Math, Handwriting without Tears, Unique Learning Systems, and Touchpoint Math to name a few.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals are aligned to the Arizona Academic Standards.
The behavior department trains and supports classroom staff to utilize effective strategies in the delivery of differentiated instruction for each student.
The adaptation team supports each classroom in individualizing and adapting educational materials and work systems to align with themes and academic lessons.
Daily living skills and vocational readiness skills are embedded within classroom routines and in targeted activities each day.
Therapeutic strategies are integrated throughout the school day to ensure access and optimal engagement.

Adult Services
Adult Services
ACCEL Adult Services (AAS):
Our adult programs provide lifelong education and employment training for individuals over the age of 18 who have developmental disabilities. By learning and practicing appropriate social skills and developing specific work skills and behaviors our members gain independence and self-confidence.
Program activities are structured in three levels to best assist individuals who have developmental disabilities, to meet individual needs and interests depending on their abilities, and allow them to lead a life of dignity and self-worth.
Career focus
minimum supervision
Group-supported and Individual-supported employment provide members the opportunity to work in an inclusive, community environment.
Successful members:
Have a need or desire to work
Can follow directions semi-independently
Have the physical and mental stamina to complete the assigned job for most of the day.
Work focus
increased supervision
Members gain work and social skills with a higher level of supervision.
These members;
Desire more part-time work with emphasis on social and community interaction
Have the physical and mental stamina to complete
Assigned job for a short period of time
Requires more supervision to complete tasks
Social & community focus
maximum supervision
Members gain work and social skills with a higher level of supervision.
These members;
Desire more part-time work with emphasis on social and community interaction
Have the physical and mental stamina to complete
Assigned job for a short period of time
Requires more supervision to complete tasks
Potential members must qualify through the Division of Developmental Disabilities, rehabilitation services funding, or have a private pay source.
Members must also be 16 years of age or older
Private pay options are also accepted.
For the location nearest you, please call
Transportation services may be available.

Bista Program
For the very young, we offer Applied Behavioral Analysis to children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities.
The Bista program
The Bista program implements evidence-based practices in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Treatment. We serve children from 18 months who have Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities. Based on initial and ongoing assessments, the Center offers individualized ABA treatment packages. These packages include the assessments, development of individualized skill acquisition programs, problem behavior identification and reduction, parent and family training consultations, and social groups.
ACCEL International
ACCEL International and Saudi Aramco are excited to announce the opening of the Ajyal Center for Comprehensive Education and Life Skills in September 2019. This center is the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will provide high quality therapeutic and educational services to children with disabilities.

Take advantage of the Arizona tax credit
Arizona will pay you back dollar for dollar when you donate!
ACCEL IS A qualified charitable tax organization—that means each dollar is taken off your tax liability or added to your refund: up to $400 for individuals and $800 for married couples. Donations need to be made by April 15.